Source code for orbax.checkpoint.abstract_checkpoint_manager

# Copyright 2024 The Orbax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Abstract class to manage checkpoints: AbstractCheckpointManager."""

import abc
from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Protocol, Sequence, Union

from etils import epath
from orbax.checkpoint import args as args_lib

PyTree = Any
SaveParams = Mapping[str, Any]
RestoreParams = SaveParams

[docs]class AbstractCheckpointManager(Protocol): """Interface to manage checkpoints. Allows a user to save and restore objects for which a Checkpointer implementation exists (e.g. PyTreeCheckpointer for PyTrees). The class keeps track of multiple checkpointable objects in the following structure:: path/to/directory/ (top-level directory) 0/ (step) params/ (first saveable) ... metadata/ (second saveable) ... 1/ (step) ... 2/ (step) ... ... """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def directory(self) -> epath.Path: """Returns the top-level directory containing checkpoints for all items."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def all_steps(self, read: bool = False) -> Sequence[int]: """Returns all steps tracked by the manager. Args: read: If True, forces a read directly from the storage location. Otherwise, a cached result can be returned. Returns: A sequence of steps (integers) """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def latest_step(self) -> Optional[int]: """Returns the latest step saved. Returns None if no steps have been saved. Returns: A step (int) or None if no steps are present. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def best_step(self) -> Optional[int]: """Returns the best step saved, as defined by `options.best_fn`. Returns None if no steps have been saved. Returns: A step (int) or None if no steps are present. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reload(self): """Performs disk reads to ensure internal properties are up to date."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reached_preemption(self, step: int) -> bool: """Returns True if a preemption sync point has been reached."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def should_save(self, step: int) -> bool: """Returns True if a checkpoint should be saved for the current step. This depends the previous step and save interval. Args: step: int Returns: True if the checkpoint should be saved. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete(self, step: int): """Deletes a step checkpoint."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def save( self, step: int, items: Optional[Union[Any, Mapping[str, Any]]] = None, save_kwargs: Optional[Union[SaveParams, Mapping[str, SaveParams]]] = None, metrics: Optional[PyTree] = None, force: Optional[bool] = False, args: Optional[args_lib.CheckpointArgs] = None, ) -> bool: """Saves the provided items. This method should be called by all hosts - process synchronization and actions that need to be performed on only one host are managed internally. NOTE: The `items` and `save_kwargs` arguments are deprecated, use `args` instead. Make sure to configure `CheckpointManager` with `item_names`. `args` should be a subclass of `orbax.checkpoint.args.CheckpointArgs`, the specific type of which is used to indicate what logic is used to save the object. For a typical, PyTree of arrays, use `StandardSave`/`StandardRestore`. When constructing the `CheckpointManager`, if no `item_names` were provided, it is assumed that we are managing a single object. If `item_names` were provided, it is assumed that we are managing multiple objects, and `args` must be `orbax.checkpoint.args.CompositeArgs`. See below for details. Example:: # Single item mngr = ocp.CheckpointManager(directory), args=ocp.args.StandardSave(my_train_state)) # Multiple items mngr = ocp.CheckpointManager(directory, item_names=('state', 'meta')), args=ocp.args.Composite( state=ocp.args.StandardSave(my_train_state), meta=ocp.args.JsonSave(my_metadata) )) Args: step: current step, int items: a savable object, or a dictionary of object name to savable object. save_kwargs: save kwargs for a single Checkpointer, or a dictionary of object name to kwargs needed by the Checkpointer implementation to save the object. metrics: a dictionary of metric name (string) to numeric value to be tracked along with this checkpoint. Required if `options.best_fn` is set. Allows users to specify a metric value to determine which checkpoints are best and should be kept (in conjunction with `options.max_to_keep`). force: if `True`, this method will attempt to save a checkpoint regardless of the result of `AbstractCheckpointManager.should_save(step)`. By default, `save` will only write a checkpoint to disk when the options permit, e.g. when `step` is in `options.save_interval_steps` or `options.save_on_steps`. Setting `force=True` will not overwrite existing checkpoints. args: `CheckpointArgs` which is used to save checkpointable objects with the appropriate logic. Returns: bool indicating whether a save operation was performed. Raises: ValueError: if `track_best` was indicated but `metrics` is not provided. ValueError: directory creation failed. ValueError: if an item is provided for which no `Checkpointer` is found. ValueError: if the checkpoint already exists. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def restore( self, step: int, items: Optional[Union[Any, Mapping[str, Any]]] = None, restore_kwargs: Optional[ Union[RestoreParams, Mapping[str, RestoreParams]] ] = None, directory: Optional[epath.PathLike] = None, args: Optional[args_lib.CheckpointArgs] = None, ) -> Union[Any, Mapping[str, Any], args_lib.Composite]: """Restores from the given step and provided items. This method should be called by all hosts - process synchronization and actions that need to be performed on only one host are managed internally. NOTE: The `items` and `restore_kwargs` arguments are deprecated, use `args` instead. Make sure to configure `CheckpointManager` with `item_names`. See `save` docstring for additional details. Example:: # Single item mngr = ocp.CheckpointManager(directory) mngr.restore(step, args=ocp.args.StandardRestore(abstract_train_state)) # Multiple items mngr = ocp.CheckpointManager(directory, item_names=('state', 'meta')) mngr.restore(step, args=ocp.args.Composite( state=ocp.args.StandardRestore(abstract_train_state), meta=ocp.args.JsonRestore(), )) # If it is acceptable to restore without providing additional arguments, # and if a save has already been performed, it is ok to do the following: mngr.restore(step, args=ocp.args.Composite(state=None, meta=None)) # If a save has not already been performed, there is no way for Orbax to # know how to restore the objects. If a save has already been performed, # it remembers the logic used to save the objects. Args: step: current step, int items: a restoreable object, or a dictionary of object name to restorable object. restore_kwargs: restore kwargs for a single Checkpointer, or a dictionary of object name to kwargs needed by the Checkpointer implementation to restore the object. directory: if provided, uses the given directory rather than the `directory` property of this class. Can be used to restore checkpoints from an independent location. args: `CheckpointArgs` which is used to restore checkpointable objects with the appropriate logic. Returns: If managing a single item, returns a single checkpointable object. If managing multiple items, returns ocp.args.Composite, where the keys are item names, and values are checkpointable objects. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def item_metadata( self, step: int ) -> Union[Any, Mapping[str, Any], args_lib.Composite]: """For all Checkpointers, returns any metadata associated with the item. Calls the `metadata` method for each Checkpointer and returns a mapping of each item name to the restored metadata. If the manager only manages a single item, a single metadata will be returned instead. To avoid errors due to missing CheckpointHandlers, concrete CheckpointManager constructor must allow mapping from item names to respective CheckpointHandlers to be input other than via save() and restore(). Please note that save() and restore() calls automatically map CheckpointHandlers to respective item names and retain it during the lifetime of the CheckpointManager instance. Example:: # Single item mngr = ocp.CheckpointManager(directory) # No calls to save() or restore() before calling item_metadata(). mngr.item_metadata(step) # Raises error. mngr = ocp.CheckpointManager(directory, item_handlers=ocp.StandardCheckpointHandler) # No calls to save() or restore() before calling item_metadata(). metadata = mngr.item_metadata(step) # Successful. # Multiple items mngr = ocp.CheckpointManager(directory, item_names=('state', 'extra')) # No calls to save() or restore() before calling item_metadata(). mngr.item_metadata(step) # Raises error. mngr = ocp.CheckpointManager(directory, item_names=('state', 'extra'), item_handlers={ 'state': ocp.StandardCheckpointHandler, 'extra': ocp.PytreeCheckpointHandler, } ) # No calls to save() or restore() before calling item_metadata(). metadata = mngr.item_metadata(step) # Successful. Metadata may be None for an individual item. Args: step: Step for which to retrieve metadata. Returns: A dictionary mapping name to item metadata, or a single item metadata. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def metadata(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Returns CheckpointManager level metadata if present, empty otherwise."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def metrics(self, step: int) -> Optional[PyTree]: """Returns metrics for step, if present."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def wait_until_finished(self): """Blocks until any incomplete save operations are completed. Note that this method will typically be a no-op if all checkpointers are synchronous, since old checkpoints are already cleaned up immediately after completing `save`, and there is no background thread to wait for. If some checkpointers are of type AsyncCheckpointer, however, this method will wait until each of these checkpointers is finished. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def check_for_errors(self): """Checks for any outstanding errors in completed asynchronous save operations. Delegates to underlying Checkpointer. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def close(self): """Waits for outstanding operations to finish and closes Checkpointers."""