Source code for orbax.checkpoint.multihost.utils

# Copyright 2024 The Orbax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Orbax utils related to multihost functionality."""

import functools
import time
from typing import Any, Optional, Set
import zlib
from absl import logging
import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax.experimental import multihost_utils
import numpy as np

def _psum(x: Any) -> Any:
  return, axis=0), x)

[docs]def broadcast_one_to_some( in_tree: Any, *, is_source: Optional[bool] = None, processes: Optional[Set[int]] = None, ) -> Any: """Broadcast data from a source host to some or all other hosts. The function should only be called by participating processes - i.e. those appearing in `processes` if specified, or any process if not specified. Inspired by JAX multihost_utils. Args: in_tree: pytree of arrays - each array *must* have the same shape across the hosts. is_source: Whether the current process is the source of the broadcast. If None, an arbitrary process within `processes` will be selected as the source for the broadcast. processes: Set of participating processes. Assumed to be all processes if None. Returns: A pytree matching in_tree where the leaves now all contain the data from the first host. """ processes = processes or set(range(jax.process_count())) if is_source is None: primary_process = next(iter(processes)) is_source = process_index() == primary_process if process_index() not in processes: raise ValueError( 'Attempted to broadcast from one host to other hosts, but the current' f' process: {process_index()} was not present in the provided' f' list of processes: {processes}.' ) devices: np.ndarray = np.array( [d for d in jax.devices() if d.process_index in processes] ).reshape(len(processes), jax.local_device_count()) global_mesh = jax.sharding.Mesh(devices, ('processes', 'local_devices')) pspec = jax.sharding.PartitionSpec('processes') def pre_jit(x): if is_source: inp = x else: inp = np.zeros_like(x) inp = np.expand_dims(inp, axis=0) return multihost_utils.host_local_array_to_global_array( inp, global_mesh, pspec ) def post_jit(x): return np.asarray(x.addressable_data(0)) in_tree =, in_tree) out_tree = jax.jit( _psum, out_shardings=jax.sharding.NamedSharding( global_mesh, jax.sharding.PartitionSpec() ), )(in_tree) return, out_tree)
[docs]def broadcast_one_to_all(in_tree, is_source: Optional[bool] = None): """Broadcast data from a source host to all other hosts.""" return broadcast_one_to_some(in_tree, is_source=is_source)
def should_skip_process_sync() -> bool: return False def _assert_tree_leaves_all_equal( in_tree: Any, fail_message: str = '', *, processes: Optional[Set[int]], ): """Verifies that all the hosts have the same tree of values.""" expected = broadcast_one_to_some(in_tree, processes=processes) if not jax.tree_util.tree_all( jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda *x: np.all(np.equal(*x)), in_tree, expected) ): raise AssertionError( f'{fail_message} Expected: {expected}; got: {in_tree}.' )
[docs]def sync_global_processes(name: str, processes: Optional[Set[int]] = None): """Barrier to sync concurrent processes. Args: name: barrier name. processes: If None, expects to wait across all processes and devices. Otherwise, creates a barrier only across devices associated with the given processes. """ if should_skip_process_sync():'Skipping global process sync, barrier name: %s', name) return logging.debug('sync_global_processes: %s', name) sync_start_time = time.time() h = np.uint32(zlib.crc32(name.encode())) _assert_tree_leaves_all_equal( h, f"sync_global_processes name mismatch ('{name}')", processes=processes ) # This may end up just being too noisy given how many barriers there are, but # it does represent how long different processes waited around waiting for # other processes to reach a barrier. jax.monitoring.record_event_duration_secs( '/jax/checkpoint/sync_global_devices_duration_sec', time.time() - sync_start_time, )
def reached_preemption(step: int) -> bool: """Returns True if a preemption sync point has been reached.""" return multihost_utils.reached_preemption_sync_point(step) def is_primary_host(primary_host: Optional[int]): if primary_host is None or primary_host == process_index(): return True return False def process_index() -> int: return jax.process_index()